Garusha Katoch
2 min readJul 27, 2020


The Places We Have Been, The Places I Will Go

Racing hearts, broken lands

Rains dissolve the bloodstains

Like the wine stains on my silk dress

Spilled on that autumn night we spent

Untangling your knots and writing a song

Spinning the globe, and marking our spots

Not knowing if tomorrow would come

That when we return there will be no home;

Just our racing hearts in a broken land

Where rain washes the stubborn bloodstains

Like my soul stains on your shoulder

From every winter night my heart got colder

A broken record and punctured globe

Soft snow melting, like my love

Your foggy glasses couldn’t read between the lines

Maybe it is comforting to live in denial.

But hearts slow down, and lands decay

Rainfall consumes all the blood stains

Like the ones we left on each other

Yet, when I look at the world, I remember

The places we loved, the places we’ve been

Playing a game only one of us could win

One doorway a tunnel down

When light came the other wasn’t around.

Beating heart, lands repaired

No more rains, smell of fresh paint

Like the ones on my wall, when I found my spot

Spinning a globe, listening to a familiar song

Sunlight kiss and my lips curve in a smile

Looking out at endless miles

I know I have no promised tomorrow

But there’s places we have been, places I will go.

